Northeast Gets Historic Storm

All week the weather channels were calling for a winter storm. It started off as a winter weather warning and quickly escalated to a blizzard warning. The kids were excited. Heck, I was excited. After 60 degrees on Christmas, the whole family was ready for winter storm Jonas to drop a foot or two of snow smack dab on top of us. Boy did we get our wish....and then some! After two days of near constant snow and 40 MPH...Read More
placenta encapsulation with amish

The Amish and the Placenta Revolution

Living in Lancaster County is synonymous with the Amish. I get asked often from doulas all over the world if I work with them. The Amish community is shrouded in mystery because they choose to shy away from anyone who is "English", AKA not Amish. Because of this, it can be a difficult community to reach. Lancaster Doulas LLC has been blessed to have been welcomed into this community to serve them. My family has roots in the plain community (Amish and...Read More

The Other Red Cup – A Menstrual Cup Story

  There has been a lot of buzz in the news lately about toxic tampons and why you should not use them. The FDA states that tampons are safe and that the rumors are nothing more than the media drumming up controversy. Either way, I have been wanting to switch to a menstrual cup and I have taken this as my kick in the butt to give them a try. But which one should I choose? There are so many...Read More

Cut The Cord Already!

Do I cut the cord now? (waits 30 seconds) How about now? (1 min later) Soooooo now??? Wondering when to cut your baby’s umbilical cord? Did you know you can have a say in when your baby's umbilical cord is cut? If you are part of the birth world (and yes, it is a world all its own), then you have probably had a conversation about this trendy topic. However, maybe you are new to this world and are just...Read More
women and babies releases placentas

It’s True – WBH Will Now Officially Release Your Placenta

More babies are born at Women and Babies Hospital (WBH) than any other hospital in Lancaster County. With the demand for placenta encapsulation increasing steadily, more and more women are requesting the release of their placentas after giving birth. While WBH acknowledges that there is no scientific data supporting the benefits of placenta encapsulation, they have moved forward in creating a policy for women to take their placentas home. Here is what you need to know: Discuss your desire to take...Read More

Imprint Birth Photographers

Introducing Imprint Birth Photographers! Imprint is owned by two seasoned birth phtographers, Joyous Snyder and Kimberly Sanderson. Together they have over ten years of experiance photographing the birth room, where they have given stellar images to clients to remember their child's first breath. Besides photographing the births themselves, Kimberly and Joyous also have a team of photographers who are hand picked to bring their clients a calm, professional presence and a product that allows their clients to revisit the strength...Read More
Guest Blog

The First Day

  This morning I stood, sweaty, holding my sleeping toddler in the small front room of "Pas de Chet" while my 3.5 year old tried on her very first ballet dress. It took all of my self control to hold back emotion while peeking in the small curtain to catch a glimpse of my eldest. She smoothed the soft pink leotard against her belly while admiring her delicate skirt. A perfect rosette at the center of her collar completed the...Read More

Exhasuted? We’ve got you covered!

Let us face it. No one likes to be awakened in the middle of the night, because sleep is an integral part of our biological make-up. We enjoy it, and our bodies need it. As a parent with a new baby, you invest all your time and energy into your tiny little human. Parenthood is extremely rewarding, but it is exhausting, too. Throughout your entire pregnancy, people constantly told you that you would get very little sleep once the baby arrived....Read More

The First Latch

You have been thinking about breastfeeding your entire pregnancy. You are reading books and soaking up as much information as you can in anticipation of that first latch. You are not alone. The First Latch   Many women throughout the world anticipate that first latch. They dream about it, they plan it out, they want it to be perfect. Most women think that their newborn will be born and be a breastfeeding superstar, but that is not always the case....Read More

World Breastfeeding Week 2015

Lancaster Doulas is excited to kick off World Breastfeeding Week!   We took to social media to ask women in our community their thoughts on breastfeeding. Here are there responses:   Jennifer Jacobs (Jennifer Jacobs) My favorite thing about breastfeeding is how easily it calms all of us.  If my littles are frustrated, or even if I am frustrated if we just sit down and breastfeed it gives us all a chance to calm down, but I do  sometimes get...Read More

WBH Celebrates 1 year of being Baby Friendly

Women and Babies Hospital (WBH) Baby Friendly Hospital Task Force accepts the CEO Award on behalf of the WBH nursing and medical team. This award is given by Lancaster General Health President and CEO Tom Beeman (also pictured)     Please tell me a bit about your role at Women & Babies and your involvement with the Baby Friendly Initiative. I am the Clinical Nurse Specialist at Women & Babies Hospital (WBH) and my role is focused on implementing evidence-based...Read More

April is autism awareness month

When I found out I was pregnant with our second child, I knew that hiring a doula was the right choice for me. Giving birth that time was the most amazing experience of my life. After only six hours of labor and 15 minutes of pushing, our beautiful red-headed girl slid out into the world. She was everything I had ever imagined she would be. Shortly after her birth, the midwife sat on my bed with a sad look on her face and told me there was something "funny looking" with her...Read More