My Mom Bod

I have seen it all over my news feed lately: the “Dad Bod” and how this miraculous unicorn of a man body is all the rage amongst twenty-somethings and housewives alike.  Why is it that having a soft, round figure is only hot on dudes? I call bullshit on that right now.

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The day after I had my oldest daughter I stood naked in the bathroom holding her above my now deflated belly. I ran my fingers over the soft, wrinkly skin and that just hours before my baby resided there. I couldn’t get enough of it.

I remember my mother telling me that would not last that I would start to hate the way my belly looks now. As my daughter grew and my soft belly hardened I began to understand. I no longer looked down and marveled at my belly; I was ashamed of its stretch marks and sagging pouch.

But why? Was it because I really felt that way or because she told me I would? When I got pregnant again I was so excited. Now my belly had a reason to be all stretched out again. I took every opportunity I could to show it off.

The catch is, I can’t stay pregnant forever. At some point I need to be at peace with my body and that time has come. I have had enough of the fat shaming.




This summer I am going to do the unimaginable. I am going to pull out my bikini from its deep dark hiding place. I am going to chase my children around, splashing and playing in the water instead of hiding on the beach and sweating my butt off. I am NOT going to be ashamed of my amazing body that created three whole human beings.

I am going to celebrate my “mom bod“. I earned it!

How do you celebrate your mom bod? Let us know in the comments!

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Adams, Berks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Montgomery, Schuykill and York Counties

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