My Mom Bod

I have seen it all over my news feed lately: the "Dad Bod" and how this miraculous unicorn of a man body is all the rage amongst twenty-somethings and housewives alike.  Why is it that having a soft, round figure is only hot on dudes? I call bullshit on that right now. Comic Credit of   The day after I had my oldest daughter I stood naked in the bathroom holding her above my now deflated belly. I ran...Read More

Baby-Friendly Initiative at Heart of Lancaster

 A Gentle Caesarian at Heart of Lancaster Using Baby Friendly Techniques       If you have ever given birth at Heart of Lancaster in Lititz, PA, you won't be surprised to learn that they are taking steps to become an officially baby friendly facility. In fact, you may have thought they already had this certification, since the care you received there demonstrated all 10-steps of a baby-friendly organization. This is applies to vaginal births as well as cesarean births. Baby-Friendly USA recognizes through...Read More