The Kitten Doula

My community is a  tight knit one. Everyone in the neighborhood knows I am a doula. Because of that, I am often stopped and asked how to help grandchildren or friends babies as I am walking the dog or playing with my own children in the yard. Secretly, I love it. My community knows what I do and values me and my profession. This reputation as a helper and expert in babies is what prompted my neighbor Robin to stop...Read More

How to: take your baby’s temperature

There are many reasons parents would want to take their child's temperature. Mostly though it is because of suspected illness. If you are reporting your findings to your child's care provider, it is important to let them know what method you used to take your baby's temperature. If doing it rectally or tympanically (in the ear) it could be as much as one degree higher and if doing it under the armpit (axillary) or temporally it could be up to...Read More

Baby, You’re a Firework: Tips to safely enjoy the 4th of July

    One of the best things about summer is the seemingly endless abundance of picnics, parades, and baseball games. Many times fireworks are a fun part of these events. But how do you keep your newborn safe and secure while you are enjoying the festivities of the season? We have compiled a short list of things to remember when bringing your newborn on your summer escapades.       Sun Protection If you are planning on spending the day outdoors it...Read More