What is a Postpartum Doula anyway?

The 4th trimester is described as the first three months after your baby is born. Some even call it a babymoon! Your postpartum doula wants to help you adjust and enjoy this new period of motherhood. They are here to support you by helping you create a peaceful and nurturing postpartum. Baby Care - Not only can your postpartum doula answer all of your baby care questions, but they can help you understand your babies cues and nuances. They can care for...Read More

The scoop on Poop

We get lots of questions about baby care, but the most frequent center around poop. From the moment our babies are born we become obsessed with the stuff. Why all the fuss? As a new parent my may be surprised at how much you think about poop,. The parental instincts that kick in every time you notice a change in your baby's poop are essential to catching a problem right away. The first poop: Your care provider will want to...Read More

Surviving Bed Rest – Guest Blog

Alicia Adkins of Modern Family Doulas Shares Some Wisdom on Bedrest In Pregnancy   Surviving bed rest should earn you a merit badge! Not just for simply following the rules, but not injuring anyone along the way. Bed rest is not a vacation, regardless of how many people will tell you they wish they could sit around and watch Netflix all day. No matter how far along you are in the pregnancy, suddenly being told you have to limit all your activity...Read More