Northeast Gets Historic Storm

All week the weather channels were calling for a winter storm. It started off as a winter weather warning and quickly escalated to a blizzard warning. The kids were excited. Heck, I was excited. After 60 degrees on Christmas, the whole family was ready for winter storm Jonas to drop a foot or two of snow smack dab on top of us. Boy did we get our wish....and then some! After two days of near constant snow and 40 MPH...Read More
placenta encapsulation with amish

The Amish and the Placenta Revolution

Living in Lancaster County is synonymous with the Amish. I get asked often from doulas all over the world if I work with them. The Amish community is shrouded in mystery because they choose to shy away from anyone who is "English", AKA not Amish. Because of this, it can be a difficult community to reach. Lancaster Doulas LLC has been blessed to have been welcomed into this community to serve them. My family has roots in the plain community (Amish and...Read More

The Other Red Cup – A Menstrual Cup Story

  There has been a lot of buzz in the news lately about toxic tampons and why you should not use them. The FDA states that tampons are safe and that the rumors are nothing more than the media drumming up controversy. Either way, I have been wanting to switch to a menstrual cup and I have taken this as my kick in the butt to give them a try. But which one should I choose? There are so many...Read More