Fear of Giving Birth

There are few things in this world that scare us as much as childbirth. If this is your first child, many of those fears tend to come from fear of the unknown. Childbirth is such an unpredictable experience and each birth is as unique as a snowflake. In our highly scheduled and controlled world it can be scary to let go and let nature take its course. Today we are going to talk about some of the biggest fears many pregnant...Read More

Surviving Bed Rest – Guest Blog

Alicia Adkins of Modern Family Doulas Shares Some Wisdom on Bedrest In Pregnancy   Surviving bed rest should earn you a merit badge! Not just for simply following the rules, but not injuring anyone along the way. Bed rest is not a vacation, regardless of how many people will tell you they wish they could sit around and watch Netflix all day. No matter how far along you are in the pregnancy, suddenly being told you have to limit all your activity...Read More