My Love

To my love, the man that supports me while I support others,

Thank you. No seriously, THANK YOU. Back when it was just me chasing a dream you supported me. Even when you thought it would not pan out, you supported me.

Many nights I crept silently from our bed to support a family that is not ours. Too many mornings you woke up with no idea when I would be home. Those days you got the kids ready, you took care of our family so I could do what I love.

You never once complained. Even when I worked to the bone for almost no money, you supported me. As my confidence grew and you watched me change into the strong woman I am now, you supported me. There are times that you miss me. I miss you too. Life on call is hard. You have never complained. I know it’s hard to come home from work and run the house while I leave to witness a new family be born.

Because of your never ending support I have been able to turn my dream into something more. I have been able to create a sustainable business that one day we can pass onto our children. We will change our family’s destiny. Together. Because you believe in me I am able to believe in myself.

I know I am a firecracker. You would not have it any other way. Thank you for having the humor and wit to make our life fun. For having the grace and compassion to hold me when it is not fun.

You wont let me give up when it gets hard. You push me to be my best even when I rebel against it, keeping me on my toes when I get complacent. Thank you for giving me room when I need quiet reflection.

I could not have picked a better partner than you.

Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for loving me.

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